IPG Mediabrands CEO Mark Coad, has some ‘no-brainer’ advice for industry leaders. Over to you Mark.
In April, I attended the MFA Leadership Series event – the new name for MFA 5+ Inspiration events – held for anyone with more than five years’ industry experience - and it got me thinking...
I’ve been attending these MFA5+ events as a mentor for the best part of a decade, attending both Sydney and Melbourne events whenever I can. In that time, I’ve never seen a bad speaker, and not once have I left without something of value, whether an experience, an insight, a unique leadership tool, or a new connection.
The MFA Leadership Series events are a smorgasbord of opportunity for our industry’s current and future leaders. From the engaging keynote speakers - who are almost always from outside the industry and offer a unique perspective on leadership skills - to the opportunity to network and actively engage in discussions with agency leaders of all levels and media owners, these events are gold!
With so much to be gained in a short time, my message to our industry leaders is simple: You need to consider these a no-brainer. A must-attend. A non-negotiable in your hectic schedules. Each one offers something of value, an opportunity to broaden your perspective, gain unique insights from interesting speakers, and to network with other leaders across the industry. They are absolutely worthy of the commute - attendees of the April events will understand that one!
And when you can’t attend, I strongly recommend listening to the podcasts which are available on the MFA website - you can listen to the April event recordings here:
Mastering the Modern Workplace.