What Can We Learn from Ginger Spice Leaving the Spice Girls?

When Ginger Spice announced she was leaving the Spice Girls in May 1998, fans worldwide were devastated. So, what could a ‘90s pop icon teach media leaders about reducing staff turnover? Quite a lot, said Brad Szmerling, Associate Investment Director, Media, at CHEP Network, in his 2023 MFA EX Inspiration X talk.

“Ginger was 25 years old when she left her profession due to a lack of autonomy, intense burnout and conflict with colleagues, which sounds to me like every exec who ever moves agency. Taking a look at these three key areas [of frustration] can help us see what we can do better to keep good people,” he said.

Here are three lessons we can learn from Ginger’s exit:

Wannabe a great leader? Listen closer

Listen to what your team has to say, and embrace everything that makes them unique and brilliant. Give them the tools they need to succeed, whether that’s carving out designated quiet areas in the office to work or embracing the use of pronouns in emails.

We’re all subject to burnout, particularly in the early days of our careers when we’re doing a lot of the gruntwork, and your team is no different. Initiate conversations about workloads, even if you can’t solve the issues in the moment.

Don’t just say you’ll be there for your people – actually be there, whether it’s making the coffee, taking a junior team member away from their desk to have a genuine conversation, or helping with the invoicing when things get super busy.    

Spice up your communications

If you need to give negative feedback, do it in person or on a call so you can express the right tone. Make sure deadlines are crystal clear, preferably in writing. And remember your manners – always say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ in emails and in-person. Appreciation matters

Say you’ll be there, with a smile

Media is a small industry and chances are you’ll encounter former members of your team in some other capacity during your career. So, always end things on a positive note and keep the door open.

Pick up more great insights from Brad Szmerling’s MFA EX talk here.

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